Sunday, January 8, 2012


Today we are going to make our kits apprentices. Mistkit, Firekit, Shadowkit, Mountainkit, Willowkit, and Breezekit, you will be known as Mistpaw, Firepaw, Shadowpaw, Mountainpaw, Willowpaw, and Breezepaw. Mistpaw, your mentor will be Firemoon. Firepaw, your mentor will be Darkpelt. Shadowpaw, your mentor will be Ashstripes. Mountainpaw, your mentor will be Shadystream. Willowpaw, your mentor will be Dappledstripe.. And last but not least Breezepaw, your mentor will be Blossomberry.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Since Ashstripes is new, I am telling him what's going on.
Warrior's Den- Firemoon, Feathertuft, Snowflake, Jetstream, Bramblestorm, and Shadefur are going on a journey to the mountains to get the eagles to leave Oceanclan, and they just met Sunblossom and Jaywing and their kits Mountainkit, Breezekit, and Willowkit.
Nursery- There is a deadly blizzard going on, and all the cats are hiding in a hollow while Jetstream, Snowflake, Bramblestorm, and Oceanstar are somewhere else hiding from the storm.
Gatherings- Nothing has really happened right now on gatherings yet.
Apprentice's Den- Feathertuft is developing a relationship with Grayclaw.
Medicine Den- Basically, we are just talking about Spottedfire and Sunblossom's kits growing up and their "love lives".
Sharing Tongues- We are talking about doing a thing with the newly named warriors and if you wanted to join that Ashstripes, you can.